I started getting this when I was a little bit sleep deprived and as I was dozing off even if I was taking a nap I would start to shimmy and shake a little bit inside and it would keep waking me up and now it’s happening in the morning between four and five when I wake up I get the shimmer shakes inside it’s the strangest feeling it lasts only maybe 10 seconds or so to wake me up once I started catching up on my sleep I thought it would go away but it’s still there in the morning mostly. Salongirl1 in reply to Jersey08 4 years ago I am yet to read on any forum that it is linked to anything serious but at the same time it seems a common thread is that it affects people with some form of anxiety. I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks around the time it started but would consider myself 95% sorted in that respect. Before this started I was diagnosed with Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) and had a couple of weeks with serious vertigo until I used the Epley manoveure.

If I wake but keep my eyes closed it continues. My GP suggests that it is adrenaline waking me up as because it stops as soon as I open my eyes. I don't take any medication, don't drink, smoke or have caffeine. At its worts it can repeat 10 times before I actually get out of bed. Sometimes this can be 1 minute later and sometimes and hour or two. I then fall asleep and the next time I wake it does the same. Once I open my eyes and focus it vanishes in 5-10 seconds. Hi, I have had this issue for over six months, When I wake at around 4 or 5am each morning I feel my body shaking inside.